Google Ads Conversion Tracking Setup

Understanding what’s working and what’s not is the key to optimizing your Google Ads campaigns. But without proper tracking in place, it’s impossible to tell which ads are generating the most conversions. We can help.

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Golf Course Prints google search image

Conversion Tracking
Setup Services

Conversions are a crucial metric to track and analyze the success of your advertising campaigns. However, tracking them can be tricky—especially when you take into account things like conversion lag, which can make it difficult to view real-time data on your conversions.

Initial Setup

We can help you set up conversion tracking properly right from the start so you can track campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Get What You Need

Our team will work with you to determine which conversions you should be tracking and set up a unique conversion action for each one using Google Tag Manager.

Data Driven Decision Making

Leveraging data from both Google Analytics and Google Ads, we can help you track and optimize campaign performance to drive revenue for your business.

Performance Tracking

One-time conversion tracking setup for your account(s). Track ad performance to make improvements and maximize profits. 

Why You Need Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is the heart of any automated bidding strategy, so it should be one of the first things you set up when building a Google Ads campaign. 

Because everything you call a conversion will directly impact how you manage and measure the performance of your campaigns, you need to be absolutely sure of what is being counted as a conversion—and whether or not it should be counted as a conversion.

If you fail to set up proper conversion tracking from the get-go, you could be setting yourself up for failure without even knowing it.

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Do you want to boost your business today?

Contact us to see how we can increase leads, optimize your campaigns, or coach you through the process of running your own ads. 

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